Alaska Walks

Talkeetna, Alaska Virtual Walk Thumbnail Showing Red Log Building in morning light
30-40 Mins, Alaska Walks, Made by City Walks, North America, Walk Length

Exploring Talkeetna Alaska

We’ve headed south from Fairbanks to spend the day in Talkeetna Alaska. Let’s go explore in a virtual walk! The Video for Treadmill Walking Our Virtual Walk Through Talkeetna, AK on a Misty Morning We’ve had a great time in Fairbanks and stopped for two days to check out Denali National Park. From there we drove down to historic Talkeetna for our last city walk of this trip. Talkeetna has a wonderful quirky, artsy vibe to it now and it’s definitely a tourist destination but it also has it’s own local character that was fun to check out. The village […]

Birch trees and video title from our Skyline Ridge Trail virtual walk
< 30 Mins, Alaska Walks, Made by City Walks, North America, Walk Length

Skyline Ridge Trail Nature Walk

Let’s walk through the beautiful birch woods in Alaska. Video for Treadmill – Nature Walk Experience the MOST BREATHTAKING Hike on Skyline Ridge Nature Trail! Fairbanks is a wonderful base for expeditions out into the wilderness but it also has lots of local, nearby trails. @TravelinlgMel found one along Skyline Ridge Trail. You basically drive up north to a hill with lots of residences nestled into a birch forest and find a little parking area. The area has several trails that are publicly accessible and fairly easy walking. For this one, we walked down from the trailhead as a family […]

Fairbanks Alaska Virtual Walk video thumbnail from downtown
40-50 Mins, Alaska Walks, Made by City Walks, North America, Walk Length

Fairbanks, AK Virtual Walk

Let’s explore the largest inland city in the last frontier. Virtual Walking Video for Treadmill Get Ready to WALK Fairbanks Alaska in 4K from the Comfort of Your Own Home! We are on the road again and back in Alaska. Last time we stayed around Anchorage, Seward, and Homer on the Kenai Peninsula but this time we’ve ventured inland to Fairbanks. Surprisingly small for the state’s third largest city (31k), it spreads itself out over all its open space but the downtown area remains compact. Unsurprisingly, Fairbanks hasn’t been around for very long. At just over a 100 years old, […]

The lodge at Alyeska Resort in Girdwood Alaska at the start of our hiking scenery
60+ Minutes, Alaska Walks, Made by City Walks, Nature and Beach Walks, North America, Walk Length

Alyeska Resort in Girdwood, Alaska

City Walks – Alyeska Resort in Girdwood Alaska Walking Tour – Virtual Treadmill Hiking Trail Our last Alaska walk takes place at Alyeska Resort. It’s a ski resort and mountain in Girdwood, AK which is about 45 minutes from Anchorage with great views of the Turnagain Arm and from the top of which you can get great views of the Bore Tide coming in. I’m not sure how people ski this mountain. Theirs no way I could but I think there are some gentler slopes on another part of the mountain. We had a bit of rain as we start […]

Old log cabin Salty Dawg Saloon on the spit of Homer Alaska on this virtual treadmill walk
50-60 Mins, Alaska Walks, Made by City Walks, North America, Walk Length

Homer Alaska – Walking Tour of the Spit in Kachemak Bay

Walk the rugged and exposed Homer spit out on Kachemak bay in Alaska. It was a rainy day for our virtual walk but no matter. We still get to see a lot of the fishing heritage of the area. Now also a tourist destination, most shops are closed due to the late season. Still, we get to see a very special and unique place in the latest of our Alaska virtual tours of cities. Homer Alaska Walking Tour – City Walks – Virtual Walking tour of Homer Spit – Marina and Shops After our earlier walking tour around the old […]

Old shops in Homer, Alaska on our virtual treadmill walk
50-60 Mins, Alaska Walks, Made by City Walks, North America, Walk Length

Homer, Alaska Virtual Treadmill Walk

City Walks – Homer Alaska Old Downtown Area – Virtual Treadmill Walking Tour – Kenai Peninsula We’ve moved over to Homer Alaska on the other side of the Kenai Peninsula from Seward on the Kechemak Bay and Cook Inlet. This walk starts off in the Old Town part of Homer by Bishops Beach. We then roam over to the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center and then up to Pioneer Avenue with the more modern shops and stores. We pass a few restaurants and stores and coffee shops and back. I hope you enjoy this vritual treadmill trail of […]

Train station in Seward Alaska during a rainy walking tour
60+ Minutes, Alaska Walks, Made by City Walks, North America, Walk Length

Seward, Alaska Walking Tour

City Walks – Seward Alaska Virtual Treadmill Walking Tour – Exploring Gateway to Kenai Fjords Our last day in Seward we finally got a full on rainy day. Seward stretches from the old part of down up to the marina, port, and train station where we end up. On the way, we walk along a beach of people hauling in salmon, standing within 10 feet of each other. We start out at the Sea Life Center that was fantastic and pass some restaurants and hotels and back down to the shore where we make our way up to the marina […]

Family looking out over Exit Glacier in Kenai Fjords National Park in Alaska on nature walk
40-50 Mins, Alaska Walks, Made by City Walks, National Park Virtual Walks, Nature and Beach Walks, North America, Walk Length

Harding Ice Field in Kenai Fjords National Park – Hiking Scenery

City Walks- Harding Ice Field in Kenai Fjords National Park – Virtual Hiking Tour- Nature Trail We moved down to Seward Alaska after our two nights in Anchorage. The Kenai Peninsula gets a ton of rain but we got a rare sunny day and decided to hike up past the Exit Glacier to the Harding Ice Field. We felt lucky to have Montana lungs as we climbed 3200 feet over 4.2 miles. See more about the glacier and ice field below. On the way down I decided to film the top 1000feet of my decent. The views were incredible. I […]

Ship Creek in Anchorage with bridge
40-50 Mins, Alaska Walks, Made by City Walks, North America, Walk Length

Anchorage, Alaska Walking Tour – Ship Creek to Museum

Explore the Anchorage area around Ship Creek and back up to the museum. Anchorage Alaska Downtown – From Ship Creek to Museum – Virtual Walking Tour – City Walks On our second Anchorage walk, we start out down at Ship Creek where the end of the Salmon Run is leaving dead carcasses in the water and make our way back up to downtown past the rail road center, then around and over to the Anchorage Museum. We go down historic 4th street for a bit and see the ceremonial starting location for the Iditarod Dog Sled Race. Hope you enjoy […]

boy walks past colorful bear sculpture in Anchorage, Alaska
50-60 Mins, Alaska Walks, Made by City Walks, North America, Walk Length

Anchorage, AK Downtown Walking Tour

Walk around Alaskas most populous city. City Walks – Anchorage Alaska Downtown – Sunday Morning Virtual Walking Tour Amazing. We are in ALASKA! We’re really excited to be up in this most northern of the US states. Alaska has been our travel list for quite a long time. On this trip, we are sticking to the Kenai Peninsula  but we are having such a great time. We flew into Anchorage and hung out for a day seeing museums, sights, and taking a trolley tour. We found some good restaurants and shops too. We published several articles over at Travelingmel on […]