City Walks – Wallace Idaho Virtual Walk For Treadmill – Historic City Walking Tour

Historic and quaint, Wallace, ID sits nestled in a narrow valley of the panhandle of Idaho. We’ve driven past the little town several times and seen it’s historic buildings from I-90 as we whiz past. We finally took an afternoon to explore the historic mining and logging town. So many cool restaurants, coffee shops, museums, and hotels. They even have a brewery and a live theater. I also loved that there’s a bike path from Lookout Pass to Lake Coeur D’Alene that is paved the whole way. The trail is called the trail of the Coeur D’Alenes. I hope you enjoy this little town in the mountains as much as we did.

The Selkirk, Cabinet, Coeur d’Alene and Bitterroot mountain ranges feature glacial cirques and gem-like lakes high above timberline and craggy ridgetops. The country, remote and rough to travel, is a special place for those seeking solitude.

Keep on Steppin’. -H
Here’s the book I mention in the walk

Here’s a couple other walks in Northern Idaho:
Walking Tour – Wallace, Idaho – Historic Logging Town
Coeur D’alene, Idaho – Walking Tour
Kellogg Idaho Spring Walking Tour

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