We left Strasbourg at the very end of May and crossed back over France via train to Normandy. Virtual Walk for Treadmill FRANCE: Exploring Bayeux on a Free Virtual Walking Tours for Treadmill in Normandy Bayeux has the advantages of a train station, proximity to the Normandy beaches, and a wonderful museum housing the Bayeux Tapestry. While I couldn’t film in the museum, I found it to be very impressive and informative. Never the less, today’s virtual city tour mostly avoids the rain. We do have some haze on the lens in parts so please excuse that. I start out […]
Virtual City Tour of Strasbourg, France
Strasbourg, France leads us on a wonderful free virtual walking tours. Strasbourg Video Tour for Treadmill FRANCE TOUR: Strasbourg Virtual Vacation Walking Tour I had time to take a second walk exploring more of Strasbourg, France. The rain clouds were threatening but they held off until later. I start off not far from where the previous walk ends but a half block closer to the train station. We cross over one of the canals that Strasbourg has made famous and head left down quiet streets with shops and cafes. After not too long I find a mid century modern style […]
Strasbourg France Virtual City Walks
We arrived in Strasbourg, France on a rainy spring afternoon. Fortunately, the next day stayed dry until after I finished filming two of my free virtual walking tours for you. Virtual Treadmill Walking Video 4K FRANCE Tour: Strasbourg Virtual Walking Scenery – Historic Alsace City with Canals As I start this walking tour, you are in a crowded medieval street but I soon take you into a winder plaza in front of the grand and epically tall Cathédrale Notre-Dame-de-Strasbourg. The line to get in stretches across the square. Luckily, I’d gone in when the line was short and had already […]
Colmar France Treadmill Scenery
If you are wondering if Colmar France is worth visiting, this is the virtual tour for you. Despite our train breaking down, we made scheduled a short stop in Colmar on our way from Basel to Strausburg. Colmar France Virtual Treadmill Scenery Story Book City – Colmar Virtual City Tour – City Walks for Treadmill Scenery I really enjoy filming these virtual city walks regardless, but sometimes I end up in a truly mesmerizing town. Colmar was like that. We had a bit of a hiccup on our train ride out of Basel when the train broke down. Luckily, the […]
Walking Through Basel, Switzerland
Basel, Switzerland lies on the Rhine River where France, German, and Switzerland meet. Basel Walking Video for Treadmill Scenery Basel, Switzerland Summer Virtual Walking Tour – 4k Videos for Treadmill City Walks We rolled into the last stop of our bike tour outside Basel. The official end is the middle of a bridge over the Rhine River. Not the end of the EV6 but the end of France. We got ourselves a treat, took a few photos and rode through Basel in search of our Hotel. We ran into a ton of crowds in the city but it all worked […]
Walking Around Besançon, France
We spent an off day in Besançon, France. It’s a beautiful city nestled into the oxbow of the Doubs river. Besançon Video for Treadmill Besançon Walking Tour and Virtual Treadmill Scenery – France in 4K I’d taken a train to Dole earlier in the day for a morning walk and then my son and I went up to the Fortress that overlooks the city and both sides of the oxbow river. It has an amazing museum of Occupation and Resistance. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to include that bit on this walk since the rain came in and we had to […]
Discover Dole, France – A Virtual Treadmill Walk
I had to take a train back to Dole from Besançon. Walking Video For Treadmill 4K FRANCE: Exploring Historic Dole Walk – Treadmill City Walks Video We stayed in Dole one night but for various reasons I had to wait a day and take a train back from Besançon to film this virtual city walks of Dole. It’s a charming little town on the river and canals and I caught it on a quiet weekday morning. I start us out near the train station and make my way down to the water. I detour through a park before getting there […]
Walking Through Nevers, France
We’ve arrived in Nevers, France without any foreknowledge or plan other than to film a city walk and get some rest. This marks our the end of the Loire A Velo and we’ll now just follow the EuroVelo 6. Nevers Video for Treadmill Walking Walk in Nevers on the Loire River – Video for Treadmill – City Walks I had no expectations for Nevers. I’d heard the name but knew next to nothing. What I found was a quiet little city on the Loire River. Perhaps the quiet came from the day of the week but it made for nice […]
Orleans, France Walking Tour for Treadmill
The morning we left Blois (our previous walk), we stopped at astonishing Chambord before arriving in Orleans in the late afternoon. Walking Video for Treadmill through Orleans Walking Through Orleans, France in the Loire Valley – 4K City Walks Videos for Treadmill Workouts Although it added a good chunk of miles to our ride that day, we decided to check out Chambord. It blew me away by it and I only wish I could have filmed a walk there. Alas, we didn’t have enough time. I hope you’ll take my word for it and content yourselves with a couple of […]
Blois, France Walking Tour for Treadmill
We rode out from Tours and through Amboise to Blois. Blois Treadmill Walking Video FRANCE 4K: Blois Virtual Walking Tour – City Walks Walking Video for Treadmill From Tours we had to make some detours around flooding on our bike ride. It really started to come down as we arrived in Blois. We rode across the bridge and found a cafe in the Place de la Resistance to shelter and have hot beverages until our hotel opened up. It was back on the other side of the Loire. We eventually got checked in and I headed out to film a […]
Tours, France 2nd City Walk
Immediately after our first walk, I went back to the river and started filming the second for you. Tours Treadmill Walking Video FRANCE 4K: Second Tours Walking Video for Treadmill – Medieval City on Loire River 60p In my second virtual walk through Tours, France I start out by the Loire River which has slipped it’s banks. I walk you along the shaded path a bit and then go up to Rue Nationale and head to the Chateau de Tours. The Rue Nationale crosses the Loire River and shoots straight as an arrow up the hill to the north. After […]
Tours, France Virtual Walking Tour
We’ve made it to Tours despite our de-tour (see what I did there) to Poitiers for a night. The Tours Video for Treadmill Walking FRANCE in 4K: Explore Medieval Tours on Loire River – Virtual Treadmill Walking Video We’d planned an off day in Tours but ended up with one in Poitiers, one traveling and touring, and one in Tours. The day after Poitiers, we took the train back to Tours, rode across town to our hotel and stashed our bikes. We then caught a quick train out to Chenonçeau. Chenonçeau is a medieval castle built over a river. You’ve […]