Welcome to the Hudson Valley. It’s a long way from Montana but we got the chance to take a short visit when TravelingMel got a gig in town. This is only my second walk that I’ve filmed in New York which seems a bit strange to me but the North East of the US is a blank spot in my library of virtual treadmill walks. The other one was in Corning, NY which was another great small town.
Cold Spring, New York Walking Tour – Virtual Tours of Cities – 4K City Walks Treadmill Video
@TravelingMel got a gig in town so we got to take a quick trip out from Montana. If I’d had more time there are lots of great places to walk and explore in this area, not to mention in New York City proper.
Cold Spring, NY sits across from West Point on the Hudson River. A train goes from the city goes out to Cold Spring and only takes about an hour. It takes a bit more to drive if there’s traffic.
We start our walk up by the Episcopal Church at the top of the hill. We loop through a residential area before heading back to Main Street and make our way down to the Hudson River park. We walk under the train tracks after passing a bunch of cute shops and restaurants. On the other side of the tracks we see an older area and the river front area including a historic hotel. From there we find our way to the train station and take a trail over to an overlook.
Cold Spring grew up with the start of the West Point Foundry which was started by Gouverneur Kemble in 1818. Cold Spring had good access to raw materials and timber for firing the smelters.
The West Point Military Academy is visible across the river through the haze of the smoke coming down from Canada. I guess that’s the new normal.
I hope you enjoy this walking tour. I really enjoy making these videos for you as we travel. What we didn’t film was the couple hours we spent in the local Stone Crop Gardens. That was great too.
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