Book Store in Nantes, France on rainy virtual walk
So many great shops and restaurants to be found walking through Nantes.

It seemed early to take a day off from our bike tour since we’d only ridden one day but Nantes has so much to see and do we felt like we just needed to explore. Virtual Walking challenges you to get up and get moving even when the weather is ugly.

Nantes Treadmill Virtual Walking Video

FRANCE – Exploring Nantes in a Virtual Walk – Treadmill Walking Tour – 4k City Walks

After a not-as-challenging-as-feared 40 mile ride to start our tour, in the rain, we’d hoped for some better weather but spring is a rainy time in France. Luckily (?) the rain held off until I started my walk. We had all day to see museums and larger than life, steam-punk puppets. And so I start our walking tour off at the Machines des Ile. If you’ve researched Nantes for things to do, you’ve undoubtedly come across images of the elephant walking around. Though I didn’t film it for this walk, we actually rode around in it. It was so fun.

I talk about the project on our walk and about the other things we saw. I give you a quick glimpse of the elephant, the merry-go-round, and the workshop before heading off the island and back into Nantes proper.

Mechanical elephant and merry go round at Machines des Ile in Nantes at the beginning of my virtual walk
The Machines Des Ile is a “must” when visiting Nantes

Nantes is one of those cities that seem to have beautiful historic buildings that just challenge you to find the end of. They go on forever. They also have some really nice parks and cathedrals around. Despite the rain, I take you through the Cours Cambone and then the Passage Pommeraye, a historic shopping mall.

Trees in the park Cours Cambrone in Nantes city walk
Cours Cambrone is a beautiful, classic park in Nantes

Steps in Passage Pommeraye, historic shopping arcade in Nantes on our virtual walking tour
It was a nice break to see the classic decorations

From the mall I make my way down to Place du Commerce, a large public square with restaurants and shops close to the river. Then, I walk up to go into Saint Nicholas cathedral located by a remnant of the old city walls. The cathedral is very beautiful and the first of many you will see in future city walks.

Saint Nicholas Cathedral towards the end of my city walk
The back side of Saint Nicholas. We take a look inside.

Nantes is the 6th largest city in France but it really seems smaller and more intimate. Historically a port city on the Loire River, the advent of bigger ships has meant a shift to other forms of commerce.

I hope you enjoyed this first of two city walks in Nantes, France. Keep an eye out for the next one and for our other French city walks.

More France Virtual Walks from our EuroVelo 6 Bike Tour

Saint Nazaire, France Virtual Walk
Nantes, France 2nd Virtual Walking Tour
Angers, France – Rainy Virtual Walk for Treadmill
Poitiers, France Walking Video for Treadmill
Tours, France Virtual Walking Tour
Tours, France 2nd City Walk
Blois, France Walking Tour for Treadmill
Orleans, France Walking Tour for Treadmill
Walking Through Nevers, France
Discover Dole, France – A Virtual Treadmill Walk
Walking Around Besançon, France
Walking Through Basel, Switzerland
Colmar France Treadmill Scenery
Strasbourg France Virtual City Walks
Virtual City Tour of Strasbourg, France
Exploring Bayeux France – Virtual City Walks

More Walking Tours in France:

Aix-en-Provence, France – Walking through Impressionist France
Marseille, France – Ancient City in the South of France
Hyeres, France – Walking in the South of France
Paris, France – Sacre Coeur to Notre Dame – virtual walking travel tour
Paris, France – Inside Notre Dame Cathedral
Paris, France – Notre Dame to Eiffel Tower

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