We’ve arrived in Nevers, France without any foreknowledge or plan other than to film a city walk and get some rest. This marks our the end of the Loire A Velo and we’ll now just follow the EuroVelo 6.
Nevers Video for Treadmill Walking
Walk in Nevers on the Loire River – Video for Treadmill – City Walks
I had no expectations for Nevers. I’d heard the name but knew next to nothing. What I found was a quiet little city on the Loire River. Perhaps the quiet came from the day of the week but it made for nice walking and touring. We’d rented an apartment down near the train station which lies not too far from the heart of the town. As I started the walk, I quickly came across an old tower and old gatehouse with nice trees and greenery around.

I also quickly found the cathedral. Unfortunately, they’d closed for the evening and I couldn’t take you inside. The outside had wondrous amalgams of flying buttresses like decorations on a fancy cake. I wish I could have explored the interior.

As I ambled through the quiet streets, some narrow, some full of shops, I made my way to the river front. I found a few quiet cafes entertaining locals for their evening aperitif. I’d imagined us spending a lot of time in something similar during our travels but, honestly, we mostly just wanted to rest and relax after a long day’s ride. Still, these are the things dreams are made of.

As I continued on my way along the base of the old walls, I found little pockets of locals enjoying their evenings. Kids played soccer and hammed it up for the camera yelling “Youtube?”. I came across a central square with a found and trimmed trees. Eventually, I returned to the train station along a commercial street with pottery shops, restaurants, and grocery stores. Nevers has a lovely laid back vibe and it would make a great stop on any tour of the Loire valley. Keep on steppin’ -H
Where to Stay in Nevers, France
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